

Colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease (also known as IBD) that causes inflammation and ulcers( sores) in the digestive tract, it affects the innermost lining of the large intestine (colon) and rectum. Colitis can be debilitating and could even lead to life-threatening complications.

There is no known cure but treatment can greatly reduce signs and symptoms of the disease and bring about long-term remission.


Some of the more common signs of Colitis are as follows:

  • Diarrhea with blood or pus

  • Abdominal pain and cramping

  • Rectal pain

  • Rectal bleeding: passing small amounts of blood with stool

  • The urgency to defecate

  • Inability to defecate despite the urgency

  • Weight loss

  • Fatigue

  • Fever

  • Joint pain

  • Rashes that have no known cause

  • Delayed growth in children                      


There are a few ways in which a physician can determine whether or not an individual suffers from colitis. These include:

  • Colonoscopy: Involves threading a camera on a flexible tube through the anus to view the rectum and colon.

  • Sigmoidoscopy: Similar to a colonoscopy but shows only the rectum and lower colon

  • Stool Samples

  • Abdominal imaging such as MRI or CT scans

  • Ultrasound depending on the area being scanned

  • Barium enema: an X-ray of the colon after it is injected with barium, which helps make images more visible.


  1. Ulcerative Proctitis: The inflammation is confined to the area closest to the anus (rectum), and rectal bleeding may be the only sign of the disease.

  2. Proctosigmoiditis: The inflammation involves the rectum and sigmoid colon at the lower end of the colon. Signs and symptoms include bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps and pain, and an inability to move the bowels despite the urge to do so (tenesmus).

  3. Left-sided colitis: The inflammation extends from the rectum up through the sigmoid and descending colon. Signs and symptoms include bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and pain on the left side and urgency to relieve bowels.

  4. Pancolitis: This type often affects the entire colon and causes bouts of bloody diarrhea that may be severe, abdominal cramps or pain, fatigue, and significant weight loss.


The exact cause of colitis is not known. Previously, diet and stress were suspected; however, now doctors know that these factors may increase the risk but not the direct cause. One possible cause is an immune system malfunction. Once the immune system tries to fight off an invading virus or bacterium, an abnormal immune response causes the immune system to attack the cells in the digestive tract as well. Heredity also appears to play a role in causing colitis.


Age: it could begin before the age of 30 years although some develop colitis after 60 years of age
Race or ethnicity: Those with the highest risk for the disease are those of Western European descent.


The anti-inflammatory properties of medical marijuana and its active ingredients, such as CBD, may be tremendously beneficial in treating patients with colitis. By reducing inflammation within the colon and rectum, medical marijuana may provide significant relief of the symptoms of colitis. Some of our patients have reported medical marijuana has helped boost their appetite which could be a benefit to those with eating aversions due to the condition. If you feel you are suffering from colitis and feel medical cannabis may provide you additional relief then we recommend scheduling an appointment today to be evaluated for medical marijuana in Virginia. The process for obtaining a medical marijuana card in Virginia is quite simple.

How to Get Medical Marijuana to Treat Colitis Side Effects in Virginia

For patients who suffer from the side effects of Colitis or have any other medical condition or symptom they feel could benefit from marijuana treatment we recommend scheduling an appointment with our marijuana doctor.

By getting your medical marijuana card in Virginia, you will get access to the state-licensed medical cannabis dispensary locations which will allow patients to purchase marijuana and marijuana-infused products to treat their medical conditions. The medical cannabis sold at the state marijuana dispensaries in Virginia are controlled and have all ingredients listed so you know what you are putting into your body.

Our patients enjoy knowing what is in their medicine as well as having access to a consistent product so they can narrow down what works best for them and continue using it day after day. Purchasing medical marijuana through legal channels has given our patients peace of mind and allowed them to really begin using cannabis as a natural medicine to alleviate the symptoms of their medical conditions, including colitis and IBS. Another added benefit of having your medical marijuana card in Virginia is that many dispensaries offer same-day delivery of medical marijuana products right to your door.

Start the process of getting your Virginia Marijuana Card today be clicking on the “Schedule an Evaluation” button below. All payments are 100% refundable if you are not certified for medical marijuana treatment. All medical conditions are considered by our marijuana doctor and his team of providers so if you are interested in seeing if you could benefit then schedule your appointment to get approved today!




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