Medical Marijuana for the Treatment of Migraines

More than 150 types of headaches have been found. Among them, Migraines have always been a topic of interest for researchers.

A Migraine is defined as a pulsating or throbbing pain on one side of the head. The migraine onset, duration, symptoms, and severity vary from person to person. It is a debilitating pain and can leave you incapacitated for multiple days. Many factors have been found as triggers for this neurological disorder. For some people, food items, stress, certain physical activities, and hormonal changes act as triggers.

Phases of Migraine

Different phases found during an episode of a migraine attack are:

  • Prodrome
    This is the pre-attack phase and is marked with mood change, food cravings, constipation, yawning, and fatigue.

  • Aura
    Aura is a truly disturbing phase of migraine which involves the nervous system. People experience visual and auditory hallucinations, speech difficulties, change in sense of smell and taste.

    An important point to note here is that it is the reversible phase. If you take measures during this phase, you can prevent an attack of a migraine. It is necessary to self-access these aura symptoms and take action immediately to prevent the migraine from developing past this stage.

  • Headache
    This is the phase where the headache starts. It ranges in intensity from mild to severe and can be on one side of the head or shift to the other side or cover the whole head. Migraine headaches typically last a minimum of 4 hours per day.

  • Postdrome
    After-effects of a migraine attack include depressed mood, fatigue, confusion, and euphoria.

Signs and Symptoms of Migraine

Besides pain, the symptoms most associated with migraines are:

  • Sensitivity to light

  • Sensitivity to noise

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Stomach upset

  • Food aversions

  • Tiredness

  • Pale skin color

  • Dizziness and blurred vision

  • Rarely, fever


Nearly 12% of Americans experience migraine headaches, with females affected more than males.

Treatments of Migraine

Once a migraine progresses past the aura phase, no specific treatment options are available that can completely stop a migraine. The best approach for managing migraine attacks is taking preventative measures and stopping the headache before it starts.

  • Preventative Measures
    Try to find the factors which trigger your migraine and avoid them.
    Another way is to take preventative medications. Many medicines are clinically prescribed to prevent severe migraines.

  • Abortive Medications
    Many over-the-counter medicines are effective for treating mild to moderate migraine pain. While taking these medicines, one must keep in mind the side effects the damage that can be caused from prolonged use. Overuse can cause rebound headaches and addiction.

Relation between migraine and the endocannabinoid system

The newly discovered endocannabinoid system of the body plays a role in normal body processes like pain, mood, sleep stress, and nerve function. According to a review, an imbalance occurs in the transmission and modulation of pain signals by this system and results in recurrent episodic pains of migraine.

How Can Medical Marijuana be Used to Treat a Migraine Attack?

According to a review, there is strong evidence that activating the ECS could be used as a therapeutical tool for reducing both the physiological and inflammatory components of pain that are likely involved in migraine attacks.

The endocannabinoid system is activated by the binding of endocannabinoids, also known as endogenous cannabinoids, to the receptors.

Medical marijuana has THC and CBD which react with the ECS receptors the same way and can normalize the disrupted balance of pain signals. THC, specifically, has been found to have desirable effects of reducing pain and increasing appetite. The only way to receive medical marijuana which contains THC legally in Virginia is to receive a medical marijuana certificate otherwise known as a medical cannabis certificate from a licensed doctor or practitioner which includes physician assistants and nurse practitioners. After obtaining a medical marijuana certificate patients can receive a medical marijuana card and visit state-regulated medical marijuana dispensaries to purchase medicinal marijuana containing THC, CBD, and terpenes.

Can medical marijuana prevent the migraine attack before it starts?

A study has confirmed that marijuana like any other prophylactic medicine can prevent the attack of migraine. Many of our patients at CannabisMD TeleMed have reported that medical marijuana is the only thing that truly prevents their migraine attacks and it does so with minimal side effects when compared to more traditional medications. The fact that patients can use the flower marijuana product or use vape cartridges to inhale the medical marijuana oil mean that this natural medicine can get into the patients system much faster than tablets. The quick action of inhaled medical marijuana makes it ideal for helping prevent a migraine before it starts.

Another observational study done in 2016 has proved the effectiveness of medical marijuana in reducing the frequency of migraine headaches in the adult population. In this study, patients who used medical marijuana regularly to prevent their migraines reported their migraines happening less frequently.

Best medical marijuana strains for patients with migraines

According to previous studies, the marijuana and cannabis strains with high CBD and THC levels are significantly effective in reducing the pain levels during migraines.

Out of all the available strains, these ones have been found to be the best for migraine patients looking to medical marijuana for a treatment option.

  • Crazy Glue

  • Lethal Purple

  • Blueberry Space Cake

  • Purple Arrow

  • Green Crack

  • Disney Blue

  • Double Tap

  • OG Kush

  • Granddaddy Purple

The results may vary from strain to strain and person to person. To achieve the best medical results, seek professional advice. It is also recommended that patients keep a marijuana journal to record the different medical marijuana strains that have tried and the positive and negative effects they experience from each strain of medical cannabis. By doing this patients are able to find out which strain works best for them.

By having a medical marijuana card patients are able to have access to medical cannabis of a consistent quality which can be used as a natural medicine to treat their migraines.

Best ways to take medical marijuana when treating migraine

Depending on your situation you can take medical marijuana in many different forms. The most common way to consume medical marijuana for immediate relief of pain is smoking and vaping. Capsules, tablets, and edibles are also available but they have a slowly onset and may not be as effective in preventing a migraine. Tinctures for sublingual and ointments for topical application have also been recommended by some patients.

Possible side effects when using marijuana as a medicine

The pain-relieving effects of medical marijuana are quite evident but it extreme overuse can be dangerous to a patients health. Some common side effects of medical marijuana or medical cannabis use are below.

  • Dry mouth

  • Hunger

  • Red eyes

  • Drowsiness

  • Euphoria

It is advised to consult a doctor or practitioner who is licensed with Virginia’s medical marijuana program to see if medical marijuana is right for you. Natural treatment with medical marijuana should always be conducted in a legal way because this allows the patient to receive a consistent product and also allows them to be supervised by a healthcare professional.


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